This weekend, the legendary Ivy Queen, known as “The Queen of Reggaeton,” will grace the iconic Carnegie Hall for a...
Marcel Mendoza is back with a new single, NOITE TODA, a vibrant trilingual track blending English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Set...
Mekka Magazine had the honor of sitting down with Dr. Christopher Starr, a true visionary in the music world, as...
Sabrina Carpenter has made UK chart history, breaking new ground with her latest triumph. Today, she becomes the first artist...
Photo Credit: Alanna Quiton Toby Gad, the acclaimed producer and songwriter behind some of pop’s most iconic tracks—like John Legend’s...
Mysterious DJ and producer duo SUPER COMPUTER has made waves with their debut EP, "ORDINATEUR," released under Oliver Tree's intriguing...
Get ready, music lovers! The sensational sister trio, TRIPLE CHARM, is set to ignite stages worldwide with their inaugural global...
Get ready for the 2024 OMEGA X US TOUR, titled ISLAND: Beyond the Horizon! 🎫 General Admission Ticket Sales October...
EPEX is back with a fresh and exciting pre-release single, "My Girl," setting the stage for their highly anticipated second...
Three-time Latin Grammy® winner, 11-times Diamond RIAA-certified artist, Maffio, is adding another accolade to his impressive resume with a fresh...