MEKKA Magazine honors the champions of influence in the PR industry and celebrates Public Relations Day. We had the opportunity to sit down with LaTorria Lemon, CEO of Lemon Lime Light Media. In this special interview, LaTorria shares her inspiring journey, her most memorable projects, and the lessons she’s learned in an industry that often works tirelessly behind the scenes to bring visions to life.
MEKKA Magazine: Thank you for joining us for PR Day, LaTorria! As the CEO of Lemon Lime Light Media, could you share a bit about your journey and what initially drew you to the field of public relations?
La’Torria Lemon: I didn’t grow up aspiring to be a publicist, but after encountering a publicist while I was a student at Clark Atlanta, I was introduced to Public Relations. I gave it a try and grew a passion for helping to make vision a reality.
MEKKA Magazine: You’ve collaborated with numerous incredible clients and brands over the years. Could you highlight a few memorable projects or campaigns that stand out to you?
La’Torria Lemon: One of my most cherished memories is handling the PR for George Floyd’s funeral services nationwide. I had no expertise in handling something of that magnitude, but I knew God had a plan. I learned things about myself, my team, and our capabilities. Another memorable experience was securing a client on a nationwide campaign with Nike—and being part of the campaign as an ambassador. That was truly special, to be invited from behind the scenes to be a face of the campaign alongside my client.
MEKKA Magazine: The PR industry is constantly evolving. In your experience, what are the key skills a publicist needs to succeed today, and how have you adapted to these changes?
La’Torria Lemon: PR is constantly changing just like the times, but one thing that remains the same is my creativity to build campaigns and execute ideas. I’m thankful for the gift of being able to brainstorm and strategize.
MEKKA Magazine: Public relations can be both exciting and challenging. What advice would you offer to someone just starting in the field who hopes to build a career like yours?
La’Torria Lemon: There are exciting moments, but truthfully, it’s a thankless job at times that consists of rejection. You have to always keep in mind why you started and how you want to finish.
MEKKA Magazine: For those who may not be familiar with PR, how would you describe the role of a publicist, and why is PR so vital in today’s media landscape?
La’Torria Lemon: The best way to simply describe a publicist is someone who provides publicity, creates campaigns, and helps create opportunities for exposure and visibility.
MEKKA Magazine: PR professionals often work behind the scenes. What are some common misconceptions about your role that you’d like to address?
La’Torria Lemon: PR is a behind-the-scenes job, but for those of us who have an agency or firm, we, too, have to build our business, which may consist of us providing branding and publicity for our own brand.
MEKKA Magazine: Are there any current projects or collaborations you’re particularly excited about and able to share with us?
La’Torria Lemon: We currently have a lot of projects we are working on, but it’s always exciting working with the United Negro College Fund to provide opportunities for minorities to get to and through college.
MEKKA Magazine: As we celebrate PR Day, how do you envision the future of public relations? Are there any trends or shifts on the horizon that you’re especially enthusiastic about?
La’Torria Lemon: The world of PR is evolving in many ways. I’m eager to see how AI will play a role in the industry. I’m learning new things as well.
MEKKA Magazine: Finally, where can our readers connect with you on social media to stay updated on your latest work and projects?
La’Torria Lemon: I would love to connect on Instagram at @latorria_l or @lemonlimelightmedia.
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