The couple, who began their relationship in May 2023, shared the exciting news of their engagement on Sunday, November 17, during the star-studded Ebony Power 100 Gala in Los Angeles. Actress Gabrielle Union, 43, proudly flaunted her stunning engagement ring as she posed alongside her fiancé, actor Jonathan Majors, 35, best known for his role in Creed III. The couple’s joyful moment was captured in a heartwarming video, which was later shared with fans on Ebony’s official Instagram, marking the beginning of this new chapter in their relationship. The appearance at the prestigious event added an extra layer of celebration to what was already a memorable evening for the couple.
Mekka extends heartfelt congratulations to the happy couple. Wishing them both a lifetime of love and happiness!
Image Emma McIntrye /Wireimage
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